Leaf Huella de Carbono

Mar del Plata Undertakes: Sustainable and Triple Impact Entrepreneurship

Yesterday I was very excited telling the story of LEAF in Mar Del Plata Emprende! Sharing this path that we have been walking along with my Co.Founder Natalia Drault in a stunning setting, with entrepreneurs full of energy and desire to innovate, transported me back several years to the beginnings of LEAF and gave me the opportunity to understand the whole journey we have been doing, sometimes winding, sometimes difficult, with a lot of effort but above all super excited to do it with a clear purpose, which renews the energy and desire every day.

As if that wasn’t enough, I had the opportunity to share the Triple Impact panel with founders and committed and purposeful leaders. They are Amine Mayra Fullana, Leonardo Mustafa El Abed and Déborah Sabsay from B Companies Kausana Triple Impact Agency, Lulea and Destileria Kalmar, who measure their performance and Triple Impact with Sistema B. During the talk, Lulea shared how through the management of its carbon footprint it identified opportunities to save and reduce emissions, even generating a positive impact on the economic aspect of the business. On the other hand, Destileria Kalmar presented the emissions management system it implemented using LEAF and integrating the carbon footprint of its organization with that of its products, and from this began to identify opportunities for improvement related to inputs, suppliers and its value chain, thus showing a success story in which clearly shows the importance of synergizing between customers and suppliers with a comprehensive approach to Life Cycle to achieve results towards a Low Carbon Economy.

Thank you very much to all the Mar Del Plata Emprende Organization for the invitation and congratulations to the Municipality of General Pueyrredon for promoting the initiative seeking to promote the Entrepreneurial Culture!


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