Ecuador Carbon Forum: Moving Towards a Low Carbon Economy
At the end of the Ecuador Carbon Forum, we spoke with Eduardo Piquero about the need to accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy. In this context, we focus on being practical, that is, always bearing in mind the importance of making progress rather than seeking perfection. This is the vision we have at LEAF, as climatech, to empower companies that want to take control of their decarbonization strategy with our SaaS (tech+service) solution. Improve while managing the reduction of the Carbon Footprint. Do not stop looking for that theoretical accuracy that can lead to slow down or delay both decision making and the implementation of actions to improve and mitigate climate change. From a pragmatic point of view, bear in mind that, to quote Simon Stiell, “The cost of inaction is far greater than the cost of action”.
Once again, I would like to thank you for all the support and warmth with which we were received in Ecuador, where I found an environment with a lot of focus and commitment to achieve the objectives of global temperature stabilization.
The Carbon Footprint as a management and communication tool Climate
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